Tuesday, October 3


thistle said...

Didn't your Mom tell you not to eat apples that a student gave you because they could have razor blades in them?

Unknown said...

I have no idea, NBB.

Tangentially, I did learn the other day that the forbidden fruit that Eve ate wasn't an apple.

39 and Hip said...

While we're talking about apples, could someone explain to me why NYC is considered 'The Big Apple'?

Unknown said...

From Wikipedia:

Popularly, the fruit has been identified as an apple (perhaps as a Latin pun of 'malus' sounding like 'evil' and 'apple'), although the Bible does not identify the fruit as an apple. Judaism teaches that the fruit may have been either grape, fig, wheat, or citron. In recent years, some researchers are supporting the fact that the forbidden fruit is actually a pomegranate, from the supposed location of the Garden of Eden.

Anonymous said...

I wish I'd get an apple instead of the sass I do get.