Tuesday, November 21

So I was wondering the other night when I couldn't sleep about what I could and couldn't blog about, for fear of anonymity purposes.

And I couldn't think of anything for here that I could share. Partly becasue I have been really wrapped up in this one project and my life has been lame as a result.

But anyway, the question that came to mind was this, why have people chosen the colors/names they have on this blog? Does it say something about you academically? non-academically? does it say something or nothing? basically, why did you pick your name?

I'll start and tell you why I picked strawberries, and why.

Strawberries are my FAVORITE fruit. and I love red, partly because it looks great on me with my hair color. But also, its my favorite person in the world's favorite color, and so I have always liked the color for because it reminds me of that person. But what does strawberries mean to me?

When I think of strawberries I think of babies with their rosy red cheeks, and I love babies, and they are so cute, and I want babies. But of course, in order to have babies, I would like to have a husband, and well, I'm lacking in that area. And also, though it is *way* to early to be worrying about this... I know that it will be super hard to have cute starberry cheeked babies as a professor, if I want to stay at home at all with hypothetical baby strawberry, and that brings up all those things that I worry about, the difficulty of getting my desired job in desired place as a woman, and how hard it will be to try and get tenure as a woman with a baby/child.

And what does being a strawberry say about me? Well, strawberries, while the best fruit ever, are also quite fragile. They must be packed specially, especially for transport. And I am also very fragile. In life outside the ivory tower, I am known to cry quite a bit at sad situations. But also when hurt by people. Inside the ivory tower, I lack confidence. Sometimes I have it, and sometimes, I don't. Usually when I need it, it's not there. Just like you can get a good strawberry that has made it though the transport process, sometimes I feel more like a slightly bruised strawberry who wants to be the best tasting one in the bunch.

But of course I didn't think about all this when I picked strawberries. That day, I looked at the other colors, read their names. Saw pumpkin, thought, mmm, I like pumpkins. I also really like strawberries and red cheeked babies. And red is nice. I'll be strawberries.

What about you?


Unknown said...

I wish I had something as eloquent to write about my name.

I came here and posted whispers as fraud. Later, when I was invited to join as a regular poster, I had to choose a color but wasn't quite ready to let go of that fraud-quality so I had to think of a way to add some color to it.

I thought about on golden fraud, but I'm not all that golden. fraud, in denim made sense because I wear jeans whenever possible, but also because I was feeling a little blue.

It works because some days I feel more fraudulent, some days more blue, and some days more comfortable, like a worn pair of denim jeans.

Turquoise Stuff said...

Nice post, Strawberries, thanks!

I, too, don't think I have anything as eloquent and well thought-out, even in retrospect.

Like you, Strawberries, I picked the color based on preference. I like turquoise. Of course, turquoise can be lots of different colors, so to illustrate what version I like, I created my little icon.

Regarding "stuff", I chose it precisely because it is so vague and general. I figured whatever I picked, my interests and preferences would change over time so it was good to go with something relatively all-encompassing.

I don't know, could the fact that I'm a pack-rat have influeced that choice?:)

Dandelion said...

I actually spent a dorkily long time thinking about what colors I liked, and what colors had cool names, and where they would fit in the list of colors in the sidebar and whether they'd clash with their alphabetical neighbors. And then I found this icon and had to pick Dandelion.
Yellow makes me happy, though. It's so nice and sunny.

39 and Hip said...

There is no deep explanation for my name. I wanted something that reflects my academic interests (kind of, anyway) and I also wanted something that was a play on words. Salmon Ella was one of the first things I thought of. I figured Wisteria monocytogenes was too long, ha ha.

Dandelion said...

Wisteria monocytogenes is an awesome name! It is a pity it's so long, or I'd be tempted to steal it :)

39 and Hip said...

Wisteria is taken now, so it might be a little redundant to have a Wisteria monocytogenes. Too bad! Salmon needs a little pal.

Orange Ina--I don't know if I registered before or after you, either, but I also like Orangina and considered that name, too! Great minds... :)

Ms.PhD said...

Strawberry reminds me of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, because that's what the magic (drug) dealer calls Willow when he rapes her mind. He says she smells like strawberries.