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That guy's mom sounds really annoying.
I come from kind of the opposite scenario--I actually find myself getting irritated when professors try to teach me the "in's and out's" of university life when I actually do understand what I'm getting myself into and what a career in the academe involves (more or less anyway).
My in-laws are different story, though. Much like Annoying Mom, they don't really "get" it. They don't understand why, as a grad student, I don't really have summers off (beacause as a school teacher, my mother-in-law had summers off). They don't understand why pursuing a career in academics might involve moving all over the place ("Can't you just get a job around here?"). They don't really understand that going to school is more than just an expensive hobby ("If you're so stressed, why don't you just quit?"). And on and on. I don't even bother trying to explain things to them anymore; I just give them the answers they want to hear so they'll keep babysitting my kid for me.
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